So you know that drawer, or cabinet, or sac that everyone has where they stash the almost unavoidable accumulation of plastic grocery bags? I would like to state for the record that as of right now, I am no longer in possession of any of the above! I feel that I have slayed the modern cabinet dragon of petroleum product consumption! Yay Me, er, us, er Tank Family. I have always tried to be a schlepper of cloth grocery bags, but now that we are getting the weekly (organic! local!) veggie box (which is housed in a little rubbermaid tub that we return for the next week) there is even less opportunity for forgetting and getting stuck, er... um... holding the bag, as it were. And I get to try exciting cooking experiments, such as "what the heck is this okra crap and what on earth am I going to do with it?" And you know, more than half the time, the answer is fry it in butter. Hard to go wrong with that!
Little Tank has been a bit fussbudgetty for a few days, culminating in a refusal to nap at day care yesterday, and we figured out why last night. His fifth tooth has just come in, and it looks like number six is hot on its heels. Yay Tankster!
And finally... I have now officially found two other local women who are willing to go do
this with me. Yay us!
Not currently a victory, but a project in the works: I have decided to try and rally enough local women to do a hoop group in the Labor Day Parade. So far I have lots of nibbles on the line, but I am still a bit shy of the quota for fish in the basket. Wish me luck, or better yet, come on out and join me!