Thursday, March 27, 2008

A Wee Finished Object...

Only three weeks late for the baby shower!

Monday, March 24, 2008

Iridescent Viridescence

The holiday weekend couldn't have been more picturesque here in the Sierra Foothills. The Tankster participated in his second and third egg hunts of the season. I had one too many mimosas at the Saturday hunt and therefore didn't take one picture. But for those in the know, check out the Hub's page and you'll find a whole slew o pic's, many of which contain me and my drink in hand! Wheee!

On Sunday I was a bit more saintly, and managed to remember how to operate the old point n shoot! The Hub couldn't believe I was really planning on dressing our offspring in a baby blue seersucker shorts suit. But now that he's seen the pictures, he knows why parents dress their kids funny, because they are SO DAMN CUTE, that's why!

It was a gorgeous day at a friend's gramma's house where they've been holding the family egg hunt for over 35 years now. These folks are serious. They own 10 acres, and put out eggs for kids and young adults alike, with prizes that range from three jelly beans and two nickels to crisp $20 bills! They make up baskets of toys for the little kids and ALSO give out prizes after the egg hunt too! Its a win win win situation for all hunters!

By the end of the day, many participants were plum tuckered and ready for some serious lounging...

And on a similar greenery note, I would like to take a moment to document a stage in my son's life. He likes salads. Eats whole bowls. I'm not counting on this lasting long, nor on people believing me. So here it is, Tank vs. Salad, with salad losing big!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

There's No Place Like Home

I think I mentioned my new sparkly red shoes. I heart shoes.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Heh Heh, She Said Keister!

Hello there! You'd think with all the sick, sitting-around-the-house I've been doing, I'd of gotten to the blog update sooner! Not so! The pesky thing about sickness is that it demands an astonishing number of hours of sleep. During good useable daylight hours! The nerve!

So despite the mind crushing sinus infection I've been enjoying, I muscled my way through my very first solo road trip since the Tankster arrived. I drove up to Tahoe for a bit of skiing, outlet shopping and (mainly) a baby shower, yay! It was such a great experience. That teeny tiny taste of your former life, that not only puts a spring in your step, but also shows how much you miss your family in two short days! (Remind me to show you the sparkly red patent leather ballet flats I got at 65% off!!)

Before the trip I'd been furiously knitting away at this...

...for the baby shower, but alas, it was still one sleeve and a collar shy of complete. But the baby still has another month before he's scheduled to arrive, so I might still make the REAL timeline! Lets hope...

This weekend I was finally feeling well enough to attempt the least athletic of all outdoor endeavors, gardening. Evidently our garden got sick of waiting for us to clean up last year's litter...

and was doing its best to make due!

Today was a funny day, as it was St. Patrick's Day, but also our weekly playgroup's early Easter celebration too. (Or Fecund Rites of Spring, for the un-Jesusy among us, like me.) So there was much green wearing, yet also the egg dye...

And the egg hunt! Notice Tank Boy clutching a found egg here. I was so proud of him, he even actually found one all on his own!

I can't express how cool this play group is, it is held at a completely enclosed playground with areas of both shade and sun, there is a pond nearby with very curious, mostly friendly, ducks and geese, and it is run by a local gramma who brings not only toys and buckets, but also a (relatively healthy) snack for all the kids! Today she also brought all the egg dye, towels, and paper bags to decorate for "baskets". I don't know of anywhere else, big city or small town, that has such a nice amenity! It makes us both very happy.

Happy Patric Keaster Day!

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Honest Officer, I Wasn't Playing Hooky!

So three weeks ago I got myself motivated to organize a Women's Intro to Hockey Night, heretofore to be called WITHN. (How deep! How meaningful! And yet totally random.) I printed flyers, I contacted the appropriate folks at the park service and the park concessionaire to get the word out. I posted, I chatted, I emailed. And mostly I worried.

But last night it came to fruition! It wasn't a huge turnout, but it was an enthusiastic one. Three lady hockey newbies showed up to give it a try. Somehow I managed to get enough hockey skates, helmets and sticks for everyone. (Which is a trick, considering how far from civilization we actually live here.) And I'm so stoked, they all had a great time! There were wildly varying degrees of skating skills, but that didn't seem to bother anyone. Everyone skated, everyone passed the puck bit, and everyone worked up a sweat!

Unfortunately the powers that be decided to close the rink at the end of this week. So now I've gotten these gals all excited about skating and hockey and we have a whole 8 months until the rink opens again! Phooey. Though, perhaps we can get in a few days on ye olde 80's rollerblades between now and then. Polish up the skating skills...

It was a little touch and go this week as to whether or not I could even make it to the WITHN. See, I seem to have gotten sick, yet again! I'm feeling a bit guilty about the whole thing, because I didn't make it to work, but I HAD to go to WITHN! My justification is that I share a desk, phone, and computer with another woman at work, and had I gone, I surely would have passed my cooties on to her. That and the fact that I really couldn't remain vertical for more than a half an hour Tuesday or Wednesday. So that makes sense then, right? Am I going to burn in a special Julie the Cruise Director Work Avoidance Hell? Gosh I hope not. I bet there's no friendly Isaac at that bar...