Sunday, April 09, 2006


So for those of you on the edge of your seats, unable to wait any longer to find out how the couch unveiling went, here it is, the World's Sexiest Couch! This has to be a testament to not only the couch, but to my wonderful photographer Hub, 'cause how else is a 7 month pregnant lady going to look that good while sawing logs on the new furniture?

In completely unrelated news, I have decided that I need to share with you my own patented recipe for the Worlds Sexiest Morning Oatmeal...

Take a small handful of raisins (or dried cranberries, or my favorite Trader Joe's Golden Berry Blend) and throw it in the bottom of a microwave save bowl or mug. Throw in a small handful of pecan- (or walnut- or almond-) pieces and add a nice chunk of butter. Then pour dry oats (I stick with the classic Quaker) on top about halfway up the cup or bowl. Add enough milk type product (we use soy) to just below the top level of the oatmeal. Stick the thing in the micro and zap it for 2 minutes. Remove from micro, stir and zap again for 2 more minutes. Remove, drizzle top with (PURE!) maple syrup and dig in. You get hot quick oatmeal without the mush factor! Sort of akin to a not too sweet oatmeal cookie batter, with less of the pasty side effect. Hey Mikey, he likes it! And you might too.

Next up, movie reviews of movies that we have recently seen, but the rest of the world probably saw aeons ago.... I bet you can hardly wait!


Unknown said...

Nice to see the bloggy is getting some love from you. Looking forward to more...

Anonymous said...

...and you are even prettier than the couch! Hows the iron blood content?
Dad, who is glad just a little that you are slowed down just a bit