Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Odd Assortments

Hi there! Did I mention that Tank Boy is fully bipedal now? He walks around and does stuff and plays with things.

See? Did you notice there near the end when he pretended to wipe his butt with my camera case? I have no idea where he got that. He seems to do it fairly often. Odd.

Speaking of odd things I am still working away at getting my hoop group together for the Labor Day parade. I think we have the bare minimum of participants now, and all I have to do is... umm.... sew all the costumes, order the tee shirts, finish making all the hoops, get the folks together to decorate the hoops when the expensive box of sparkle tape arrives, and well, you know, actually march in the parade. I was a hopin' and a wishin' that one of the participants would step in and assist with the aforementioned odd myriad of tasks, but so far, no one is toeing that line. So a week from now, when I have three days left to get everyone costumed, hooped and decorated, pop in and send a word or two of encouragement, okay? Thanks!

I did make a vegetable soundtrack last night (as we are hooping in support of the local organic farm coalition) and I have to say that I was almost taken aback at the number of vegetable themed songs available on iTunes. It made an eclectic yet catchy mix. Everything from bluegrass to reggae, Beach Boys to G Love. Odd. Yet catchy.


Anonymous said...

Oh I could just nibble those little toes of his, but don't tell him that or he'll never want to see me! What a sweet baby boy we have! Noticed he was pulling his toy with his left hand....hmmmm.

Anonymous said...

Mr JackTank is obviously trying to put the thing in his back pocket, like he has seen you and Lee do? Toothy "little" thing, eh?

Kathleen said...

hee...that is great!
i can't imagine liam being that big...it sure happens fast, huh?

your boy is just so dern cute.

good luck with the costumes. you can do it, you rockstar!
