Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Free (and Far) Ranging

Ever since I've gotten back from our trip to the east coast my office has been really slow, read: no work for me. So Tank Boy and I have been spending a ton of quality time together. Last week we got to go on a field trip with some of the local preschools to the organic farm that supplies our eggs and some veggies. Tankster was very eager to get inside the bear proof fence and start chasing free range chickens...
(Note chicken at center of frame, ranging freely!)

The new batch of baby chicks are caged (for their own safety of course!) and therefore quite the concentrated spectacle for the preschool set. Mezmerizing!
For a few seconds at least...
Here's the Tankster showing early signs of being a chick magnet (heh heh)...

And speaking of chicks, this is sure to impress the ladies. I mentioned before that Lil' Buddy is starting to feed himself with a spoon, here he is demonstrating the creation of the rare and beautiful yogurt stalagmite...

And showing off his ferocious frugivorous side...
Unfortunately he has decided that he isn't into apple peels, and has figured out how to eject them from the system. A nice little treat I like to call Apple Foliage...

And lastly, the poor poo seems to have come down with a fever today, so here we are loungin' at the puffy fuzzy homestead...

Wish us a restful day! (And one to y'all too!)


Anonymous said...

Thank you, thank you for sharing these wonderful moments with all of us! His adventures with you are high quality stuff, and we hope you keep them coming...all the bloggers and your family love this!
Happy Dad...or Granddad...or whatever!

Kathleen said...

the last photo is beautiful!

i laughed hard when i saw the pic of the peel foliage. hee...

i hope the tankster is feeling better!