Wednesday, April 07, 2010


Somehow my husband has gotten me into this Katherine Kerr book series about a fictional land called Deverry. You know a book series is going to be geeky if it has its own website. Extra geeky if said website has timelines, bibliographies and ancestry charts...

A coworker asked what I've been reading lately, and I was a bit embarrassed to admit that it was a celtic fantasy series, akin to (but not nearly as epic as) the Lord of the Rings and King Arthur. It is full of swordfights, wise sorcerers, fabricated languages with pronunciation guides, and lots of horseback riding. Yeah, I'm going to be forty this year. Long live my internal fourteen year old!

Currently I am smack dab in the middle of this series, book 6 of 12. The Hub, however is horribly disappointed that he has now finished the whole ride. No more suspicious packages will be arriving from far flung bookstores with the next paperback edition of this addictive drug. Alas. Poor him. Any suggestions from the geeky literati? Bonus points if it is a VERY LONG series, he is a rather prodigious reader!

Oooo! But speaking of packages, I joined this little club thingy, and am anxiously awaiting my first colorful, possibly incredibly silly, installment!

Sorry Dad, the drama and righteous indignation has all cooled down here and we're back to books and knitting for our day to day entertainment!

Oh, wait! I forgot! We did go out of town last weekend for The Huzbunkle's annual alumni ski race (slash fundraiser for Stanford Hospital). AND guess who won third place overall?! None other than my one-and-only! For the second year in a row! See, look, we're adventuresome! -ish!

And yeah, we took pictures, but somehow have not been able to locate the actual camera after the unpacking frenzy has settled. So you'll have to take my word on stuff right now, we have no photographic proof whatsoever!


Anonymous said...

OK, first, whats so lethal about the leethal club? Looks like nicely prepared sewing kits for specific bits of clothing, right? I expected hangman's hoods, holsters, knife pouches and the like! Second, I am glad the drama is gone, but tell me, is the daycare place still open at a good price with the excellent supervising adults in place? Third, didn't we see pics of this ski race last year or the one before? And when will they open it to Jackson, so he can place first! Finally, maybe the site
can help Lee find something else to read???

Leigh Anne said...

Seriously hurry up and find the camera as I am looking forward to the pictures since I couldn't make it this year. Sorry to have missed seeing you but really get those pics up! oh and time to get on the bike!
Much Love,
Leigh Anne