Wednesday, July 19, 2006

The Acne! She Is Worse!

My son is disappearing behind an alarming red bumpy facade!


Anonymous said...

For your Baby's acne (which is totally natural considering his delicate skin and intense heat), use Burt's Bees Baby Lotion. It is the best stuff in the world and 99% natural. It will clear up Eczema and baby acne.

Unknown said...

Do NOT connect the dots, no matter how tempted, as you ne'er know what eldritch symbols may develop, creating the portal through which an Elder Shoggoth may re-enter our dimension, and claim her rightful place as August Supremacy over our faltering and pathetic race.

Not a sermon, just a thought.

Leiah said...

Poor little fella! He's just as cute as a bug and the dimple in his chin is just too much. Do you find yourself kissing that spot alot?

Found you from my girl GiGi. She knows all the cool chicks.

Anonymous said...

Whats the midwife and the baby doctor say??? At least stop the rancid bear fat for mosquito protection!!

GiGi Huntley said...

Rhiannon had really bad eczema and it turned out be an allergy...actually, it turned out to be a lot of allergies. I should be a lot thinner since there were months when I ate nothing but rice and vegetables. I couldn't eat eggs, wheat, corn, soy and a few other things or she would flare up terribly.

Suzie said...

Welcome Elle! Nice to have you stop by!