Monday, October 08, 2007

Just Like Campbell's Soup Is...

Evidently rocks are too. Mmm mmm good that is. Or at least to the 15 month old palate. Yep, that's right, Tankster ate a rock this morning. We talked to the doc, and he is completely unconcerned. We, on the other hand, get to inspect the next three day's stool to ensure it leaves his system. And frankly, that prospect is worth more than a bit of concern...


Unknown said...

A rock? Did he chew it first?

gravel gravel gravel gravel

No joke here, I just like saying "gravel"! ;)

Anonymous said...

Asher loves to eat rocks too.

Kid-taste, go figure. I just try not to think about everything that could have happened on and around the surface of said rocks before he gets hold of them and starts popping them in his mouth, as well as the many species of feet to have trod upon them.
So far I haven't seen him actually SWALLOW one, but that doesn't mean he hasn't...
I keep hoping it will just improve his immune system or something.
Happy hunting!

Anonymous said...

Ah ha ha ha! This reminds me of you and your sister...your mom and i had to do that same thing for one of you after you ate something inedible! Yup, even then, you were doing the impossible. Lots of luck with the poo stick...