Saturday, December 15, 2007

Vacay Recap

So we did make it back from vacation/sick leave! Sorry to leave all three of you hanging, we were only sick for 24 hours! Aside from the aforementioned illness the trip was lovely. It was warm and sunny in the beginning so we got to do some hiking...

Even lil' Tank Boy put in his fair share of foot travel!

And then it snowed! And before and after bouts of illness we all got out on some cross country skis!

Some parts were more exciting than others...

And for those of you in the know, The Hub's site has many more (and most likely better) pictures of all of the fun parts of the vacation! But alas, he won't let me link it here...


Anonymous said...

Ahhh, recovery!! Glad for all the movies that you took on Lee's site. And Jackson is a wonderful, very handsome giant!

Kathleen said...

oh my goodness...the pic with tb carrying the walking stick is TOO CUTE!
jeez have one cutie-boy there...