Saturday, April 09, 2005

We're Climbing Down The Ladder. Rung, rung, rung.

The housing situation here in El Portal is a bit, uh, pinched. The old section of the town occasionally has a house up for sale (when someone dies, basically), but that's all you get, the house. The government owns the land and one can only continue to live there if they allow you to sign a special use permit each and every year. If they decide to revoke that permit, then you and your house have to be gone in 30 days... Hmmm, its a nice community for sure, but some mortgage lenders won't lend for such a tenuous situation.

Here, in the new section, all land AND houses are owned by the government, so you can compete for a rental (with the same painfully slow rate of turnover) based on seniority. Lee's only been in the NPS for two years, so we aren't doin' too hot on that front either. We now have five weeks left in our temporary housing. Eeeek.

So we are doing what any sane, normal person would do when faced with homelessness. We're panicking! Ha ha. No, sorry, we're fielding any and all options. So the next option down on the ladder-of-convenience is to buy a house further down the road in the next community, called Midpines. (Thriving metropolis that it is...) Only problem is, there are no houses for sale there. Durn. The NEXT rung down gets us to the option of buying property and somehow constructing a house in five short weeks. heh heh. So that is how we ended up wandering around this lovely 40 acre plot on yet another rainy day here in the Yosemite bedroom communities.

If you are a geek like me you won't be able to look at the oak trees picture without wondering where Frodo is, reading that darn book...

Know anybody that's got a mule for sale? And a double-wide? Although some of these look pretty darn cute...

1 comment:

Kathleen said...

i like the grizzly! or the fisherman!
after we help rob and talley paint their house, we can all fly out and help you construct your new place...
jeez cousin...i will keep my fingers, toes and eyes crossed for you...
of course, i have some tough friends up north that could maybe make something work out for you in the historic part of town...hee!