Friday, July 01, 2005

Oh No!

She retired.


Anonymous said...

Story from my Friday lunch friends (one has a cousin in the actual Supremes house) is that she was very upset with the decision that allows any city to take your property and give it to a company that will build a business that will pay greater taxes. Eminent domain to the max...the founding fathers will soon arise and walk the earth in rage! But she has earned retirement, at 70 something she has done a lot of good...

Suzie said...

I do agree that ANY 70 year old hardworking person has done more than their share, but with the high likelihood that yet another Supreme will retire during W's term we have the potential for a 6 to 3 conservative court, with no swing voters such as O'Connor. A scary prospect in a institution with lifetime appointments. The "checks and balances" between the three branches will be reduced to a rubber stamp.