Sunday, July 31, 2005

When The Moose Go Marching Out

So I don't know if I mentioned it when we first moved in, but we had some goofy moose marching across an upper wall in our bedroom.

I was sort of dreading the impact these moose would have on my life, because I thought I was going to have to sand them down, primer the whole wall and paint to get rid of them. But Lo! And Behold!

The moose all came off in one piece! The moose practically jumped off the wall! The moose didn't like being up there any more than I liked them being there! Yay! Good moose!

So now that all of the walls in the bedroom are done, we are free to start installing our NEW FLOORING! So the OH SO FUN first step is to remove the twenty year old carpet. Ick. I love me the dirt piles that accumulate underneath carpet!

Wait, wait, is that gross enough? How about an asian meditation garden in dirt...

But, I would like to say that this is all SO worth it. Take for example, the dining room... Before: Brown and Butt-Ugly

After: Airy Ikealicious

So I'm off to roll out some foam underlay and hem some curtains. Have a lovely day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is all so familiar...done it about 5 times now. Lets hope that you are allowed by the fates to stay there and enjoy all this work!