Monday, August 01, 2005

Oh For Three

Well, you thought it couldn't be done, but it has. My cat has gotten into yet another brawl. This one either consisted of, or included, zapping herself on the neighbors electric fence. She seems fine, we can't find a scratch on her, but from the kitty howlering that notified us of her newest altercation, it sounded like she was dying. Again, the hub came to the rescue, remembering to bring a flashlight as he sprinted out of the house after an ineffectual lightless me. As Molly came shooting out of the neighbors (2 inch by 2 inch wire grid!!??) fence, he somehow corralled her despite her best attempts to scratch his eyes out. She had the distinct and incredibly disturbing smell of burnt fur about her.

My nerves. They are shot. I'm getting incredibly depressed, I don't know if I can handle this every week. What the heck am I going to do? Give her up for adoption to a place that has less predators, or electric-fence her INTO our yard, or just live with the fact that sometimes this is what it means to be a parent? I feel like the situation calls for some Tough Love or something, but other than locking her in the house and making her (and us) miserable, I'm out of ideas.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well Mother Suzie, its a bitch. You keep an activities and neighborhood "box" around your kids, and as they grow up and learn, you expand the box until in high school they are out till 3 AM and drinkin homebrew! And you "child" was raised east coast, where the dangers are different. I did not think you had any neighbors that close, within cat striking or striding distance. With kids you can teach and illustrate...but with your cat, its impossible to teach her the dangers of the new neighborhood. Perhaps limiting her time outdoors, and luring her back in with some special treats might work, so that she gets tired outdoors and sleeps several times during the day inside with her Mommy??? And misreable or not, I would keep her inside at nite. If thats too miserable for you and Lee, perhaps a cage at night somewhere safe but not too near your ears??? Please try that and don't get depressed too tends to shut down the mind...