Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Not Your Traditional Beauty Queens

Here are the odd and prickly desert wildflowers that I encountered last weekend.

This is a Bull Thistle. I love the sound of that, its gonna be my new curse word. Bull Thistle!

This is some sort of Monkey Flower that has no chlorophyll what so ever. Weird.

The always attractive Baby Shit Brown Snapdragon. Wildly popular with the summer bride.

And my personal favorite, the Horned Devil Paintbrush. Rock on little foliage!


Anonymous said...

I know you realize how lucky you are to be surrounded by such beauty, but do you realize HOW JEALOUS I AM???? I'm just go glad that this is such a banner year for Yosemite and that almost seems like it is your own personal welcome!

Anonymous said...

Oh Bull Thistle to you from Dad and Christy!! We are just surrounded by some boring Rhodo dum dums, azaelae, roses, mock orange, mountain laurels (about 10 of them), iris, dogwoods, and await the tiger lillies and the hydrangia!! Its been a cool and wet spring, best for our local stuff. And a thanx for pics of all your local breeds, they are gorgeous!

Kathleen said...

yeah...well...i have some chive flowers in my backyard! hee!
they actually are beautiful...
i am sorry to hear that stupid-head was a jerkee about the deposit...and i agree with your dad...he should be happy he got what he got for doing NOTHING...jeez...

so good of nature to nurture you and embrace you...you deserve it, girl. so amazing, those pictures. i especially like the baby shit brown flowers...is that how i should explain them to my shorties when i tell them about your happening? : )

they say hello btw. xoxoxo