Thursday, June 09, 2005

Tiptoe Through The Two Lips

Well, It is that time of the year again, when I finally get around to doing the Everest sized mountain of laundry that The Hub and I produce. Yeah, its not a very regular process these days, you try rustling up a zillion quarters on a weekly basis in a town with only one market! Anyway, here's my latest laundry challenge:

This is a lovely picture of my sexy feet and no less than seven half eaten breath mints. The really gross thing is that three steps up from here there are just as many done-been-chewed gum wads. (Gum, not as aerodynamic, doesn't fly as far?) You are spared the gum visual however, because it doesn't photograph as well. Who knew? The only thing that I can hypothesize about this situation is that someone in the neighboring 3 apartments is hiding something from their roommate/spouse. Something to do with their breath. Smoking, drinking, eating too much garlic? So while doing the laundry these days, not only is one juggling one's colossal laundry sack, and a family sized detergent bin while keeping a keen eye out for rapacious spiders, but one is also forced to perform the Shared Apartment Spaces two-step around someone else's oral jetsam. Eeeewww.


Anonymous said...

Its those rapacious spiders! I told you they would cause trouble if you let them they are trying to get you stuck in one spot by your feet so they can come and eat you at their leisure!! Ah yes, just like the famous Vietnamese tea-bag-chewing spiders of Saigon, god help you if you ever stepped on their tea bags. Not a pretty fate...

Anonymous said...

COuld someone have spilled a box of mints, and then natural erosion took place to reduce them to a half-used consistency?

Doesn't explain the gum, of course. Time for Spy Cam!
